Watch wrinkles fade
away with Xeomin
Xeomin is an FDA-approved neurotoxin approved for cosmetic treatments and is used to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and lines between the eyebrows. These “frown lines” develop as we age due to the repeated muscle contractions under the skin made during our everyday facial expressions.
Xeomin is highly purified and now available and approved by the FDA. When injected into the muscles underneath the skin between the glabellar lines, your provider can use Xeomin to treat facial wrinkles, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and smoker’s lines. In certain instances, Botox may not have produced the results you were seeking. If this happened to be the case for you, Xeomin may be the right alternative for you.
a cosmetic filler that works
as good as BOTOX
When it comes to finding the best cosmetic product, the main concern is how long the results will last. If you have a choice between two similar products that offer you the same benefits, which one would you choose? In all likelihood, you will choose the one that gives you better and longer-lasting results.
Xeomin is similar to BOTOX in that both products treat dynamic wrinkles. Xeomin and BOTOX are both injected in the face to relax facial muscles and promote smooth skin.
With fewer creases, the skin looks younger, smoother, and reflects health and vitality.
Find out if XEOMIN is the right choice for you. Xeomin and BOTOX work the same way and have the same side effects and risks. Both require qualifying candidates for their use, but which product lasts longer?
Astrid's Testimonial
Anna's Testimonial
Xeomin lasts longer
than BOTOX
While both products work the same way, the results that are derived from Xeomin last longer. Both products provide results that last for three or four months, but after that period you will have to return to your medical professional to get your wrinkles treated again to maintain results. In the case of Xeomin, you can postpone the second procedure by several weeks because you will still have the effects of the first treatment to go with.
How to choose
the right product
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about choosing the right product. When you consult with us at Olam Med Spa, your medical professional will thoroughly examine the areas that must be treated. They will then determine the best course of action for your problem areas, based on their extensive knowledge and experience.
We have found that very often BOTOX is better at treating some types of wrinkles, while Xeomin is much more effective in treating other types. The best product for your skin depends on your unique situation.
The benefits
of Xeomin
Xeomin is the first drug of its category that needs no refrigeration. That means when it comes to the distribution of the product under the skin, you can expect even distribution. Xeomin is also free from all additives – it is pure botulinum A toxin. With no additives, it means there are fewer risks that your body will develop antibodies against Xeomin. You will see the results of the Xeomin treatment within a week of the procedure.
For more information regarding Xeomin or to schedule a consultation, please feel free to contact us and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.