
Home | Services | Injectables | Restylane
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What is


Combat the natural signs of aging with Restylane®. Vanish harsh lines and wrinkles and get smooth and firm skin and fuller lips even after just one treatment.

Restylane® is a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid that mimics your body’s naturally-produced hyaluronic acid. It helps correct moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, with visible results. It also successfully treats marionette lines and nasolabial folds that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Restylane has been approved by the FDA to be used for cosmetic reasons by people over the age of 21.

How does

Restylane® work?

Restylane® is made of hyaluronic acid that mimics your body’s natural hyaluronic acid that is produced by your skin’s connective tissue. When injected into the skin where there is a visible loss of collagen, the hyaluronic acid clings to your skin. The water in the hyaluronic acid provides volume, smooths out the skin, and gives it a lift. All this together will make your skin look naturally plumper and younger. The hyaluronic acid also attracts more water that contributes to preserving the recently added volume.


with Restylane®

Restylane® works instantly; however, you will continue to see results over the next two weeks after treatment.

The results you can expect will vary according to the area treated, the amount of Restylane® used, and the results you expect. You can talk to your medical professional about the kind of results you can expect.





Restylane® – to treat moderate to deep facial folds and wrinkles for smooth skin, and subtle lip enhancement.
Restylane-L® – to treat moderate to deep facial folds and wrinkles, and for plumper lips.
Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine – to plump up lips, smooth away facial folds and wrinkles, and to add volume and lift the cheeks. It also helps reverse the signs of lost volume at the back of the hands.
Restylane® Silk – for lip enhancement and to smooth away lines around the mouth.
Restylane® Refyne – for a smooth face without facial wrinkles and folds.
Restylane® Defyne – For a face that is younger and fresher without folds and wrinkles.

Which product suits you best:

  • To treat wrinkles and folds – Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, and Restylane Defyne.
  • To treat thin lips – Restylane and Restylane Silk.
  • To smooth lines around the mouth – Restylane Silk.
  • For added volume in the cheeks and a natural lift – Restylane Lyft.
  • To build up the lost volume in aging hands – Restylane Lyft.



When you consult with us at Olam Med Spa, your medical professional will talk to you about your medical history and determine if you are a candidate for the Restylane® treatment. The right products will be chosen depending on the problem areas and the kind of results you seek.

The procedure takes less than an hour. The areas that will be treated are cleaned thoroughly with an antiseptic. A local anesthetic might be used in the area that will be injected to minimize pain and discomfort.

Restylane® products contain lidocaine – an anesthetic that will minimize or remove the pain that you might feel during the procedure.

Your medical professional will decide on how much Restylane® you will require. The filler is then injected into the affected area(s) using an ultrafine needle. You can go home immediately after the procedure, or you can return to work immediately.

Side effects

As is the case with all filler injections, Restylane®, too, carries the risk of side effects. These include bruising, infection, an allergic reaction, or irregularities in the firmness of your skin. You might also experience pain, swelling, headaches, tenderness, and bruising at the injection sites.

All these side effects will resolve on their own within seven to 18 days. Recovery from side effects will depend on the areas that were treated.



Your medical professional will provide you with a list of instructions that must be followed before treatment to minimize bruising and other side effects. You will be asked to stop taking specific medications such as aspirin, fish oil, ibuprofen, St. John’s wort, and vitamin E.

Talk to your healthcare professional about stopping any medications. Let them know about your upcoming Restylane® treatment.

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The healing time after the Restylane® treatment varies from person to person. It will also depend on the number of injections you have had and the treatment areas.

You can expect minor discomfort and side effects that will disappear within a couple of weeks. You will see full results within a week after the procedure. However, you will also see immediate effects since the products add volume.

Restylane® is not a permanent solution, and you must have follow-up treatments to maintain results. Depending on the Restylane® product used and the treatment area, you can expect the results to last anywhere between 6 to 18 months.

For more information regarding Restylane® or to schedule a consultation, please feel free to contact us and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

