Your alternative to BOTOX
Lessen facial wrinkles, fine lines, and frown lines
As we age, our skin loses elasticity. Fine lines and wrinkles appear and become deeper over time. All these lines can change your appearance and make you look angry or worried, even when you are not. Dysport can temporarily decrease the appearance of these lines and give you smooth skin that glows with health.
Is Dysport
treatment painful?
Dysport is injected into your skin using a very thin needle. You might feel a slight stinging sensation or a small prick as the needle pierces your skin, but that is all you will feel. Any discomfort vanishes away very quickly.
Treating wrinkles
with Dysport
Dysport can be used in several areas on the face to treat fine lines and wrinkles. It can be used to relax the muscles between your eyebrows (glabella) to get rid of frown lines or glabella lines. It can be used on the forehead to reduce the appearance of horizontal lines. Dysport can also be used in the delicate areas at the edges of your eyes where crow’s feet are present.
If you suffer from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), Dysport can be used to combat this embarrassing problem.
Dysport results:
what you can expect
The first signs of success appear 2 to 4 days after the treatment when fine lines and wrinkles begin to disappear. You will continue to see results over the first week after the treatment.
The results of a Dysport treatment will last for up to 3 months. In some people, the effects last much longer, while in some individuals, the results last between two and three months.
Pre-treatment instructions for Dysport
When you consult with our medical professionals at Olam Med Spa regarding your Dysport treatment, they will let you know what instructions must be followed before the procedure. Some of these are as follows:
Discontinue the use of any blood-thinning medications to help avoid bruising.
Discuss with your primary care physician about discontinuing any medication. Please inform them about your upcoming Dysport treatment and ask if it is safe for you.
All makeup must be removed before the procedure is performed.
What’s the difference
between BOTOX and Dysport?
Both BOTOX and Dysport are neurotoxins that successfully block muscle contractions, cause temporary paralysis of these muscles, and relax fine lines and wrinkles. They both have quick recovery rates, and both temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Both treatments are not a permanent solution for wrinkles.
Dysport is effective in reducing the appearance of mild glabella lines. BOTOX, on the other hand, is only recommended for moderate to severe cases.
The effects of Dysport are visible within a couple of days. The results last for anywhere between three and four months. Some people have results that last longer.
BOTOX results are visible after close to a week, and the final results can be seen only after about a month. Like Dysport, the results of BOTOX are visible for a few months, with some people reporting results even after six months.
instructions for Dysport
Once the procedure is over, you will be asked to follow a few instructions to ensure quick healing and better results. When you get your treatment done at Olam Med Spa, your medical professional will provide post-treatment instructions. All these will go a long way in minimizing the risk of temporary bruising, raising your blood sugar, and also ensuring you get the best results. Your post-treatment instructions will look like this:
- Gently exercise the treated muscles for the first 30 minutes after the procedure. Some exercises you can do are frowning, raising your eyebrows, and squinting. Using these muscles will not hurt the treatment.
- Avoid rubbing the area for at least four hours post-treatment.
- Avoid strenuous exercises for at least four hours post-treatment.
- Avoid facials and saunas for at least four hours after treatment.
- Avoid lying down for at least four hours after the procedure to reduce the risk of pressure from your pillow on the treated areas, and also to avoid the risk of rubbing the area accidentally.
- You will continue to see results for up to two weeks after the treatment. Please wait until this time is over to assess the effects of your Dysport treatment.
Am I the right candidate
for Dysport or BOTOX?
When you consult with our medical professional at Olam Med Spa, the consultant will assess your case and decide on the best course of treatment for you. For mild lines and wrinkles, Dysport will be a good option, while BOTOX will work if you have deeper wrinkles.
For more information regarding Dysport or to schedule a consultation, please feel free to contact us and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.